Dr. Abdur Rehman Jami is a highly motivated and dedicated professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics with a passion for teaching, research, and leadership. He has a reputation for being innovative and imaginative in his teaching style and is committed to continuous learning and improvement. He is an internationally recognized mathematician and researcher, and is also a new entrant in the field of astrophysics.
How does human history fit into the history of the Universe?
Astronomers have evidence that the Universe began about 14 billion years ago in an event called the big bang, which filled the Universe with hot gas.
The hot gas cooled, the first galaxies began to form, and stars began to shine about 400 million years after the big bang.
The Sun and planets of our Solar System formed about 4 .6 billion years ago.
Life began in Earth’s oceans soon after Earth formed but did not emerge onto land until 400 million years ago, less than 1 / 30 of the age of the Universe. Dinosaurs evolved relatively soon after that and went extinct just 65 million years ago.
Human like creatures developed on Earth only about 4 million years ago, less than 1 / 3000 of the age of the Universe, and human civilizations developed just 10,000 years ago.